

NGE+EoE. Eva-01 was self-aware over the course of canon, though it wasn't obvious until berserk events. Surviving the events of EoE, she gained full control over herself and opted to remain on Earth. She located Shinji and Asuka and accompanied them as they tried to explore and come to terms with their new, lonely world.

- Formed a close bond with Shinji via piloting over the course of the series plot, though the extent not apparent until the end of EoE
- Even when not activated, she was still aware of some things occurring around me
- Shinji occasionally played cello in her hangar when he wasn't occupied or too distressed
- She is not Yui, nor does she possess Yui's consciousness despite possessing her soul, though Evalael does have her protective instincts
- After EoE: Giant Friend. Think Iron Giant levels of friend. Very protective of Shinji, and by extension Asuka
- Squared up against an MP Eva that survived becoming a statue, and devoured its wings to steal them for her own use before killing it
- May or may not have come to possess a Halo as seen in the Rebuild
- May have come to possess a spiral motif on armor, but not for a very long time

Canonmates Found:

Possibly Shinji - Oppy